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Goldsmiths MFA Curating Degree Show, 12-17 July 2018

Considering the exhibition as a polished, public-facing output, the MFA Curating degree show questions what it means to present the often invisible supporting structures, accompanying matter, expenditure, and principles, which guide curatorial decisions. The Laurie Grove Baths Balcony presents two main elements: a Curatorial Code of Conduct, and an installation of accumulated matter from our past exhibitions.

The Curatorial Code of Conduct, which can be found online on, is a collectively written and edited document. Installed horizontally along the east wall, the text is practical, poetic, and at points contradictory. It considers how we come together to co-create work as a collective of different voices. The text acts as a guide for good practice when working with artists, audiences, and institutions. It examines how we might challenge hegemonic structures, and considers how we look to conduct ourselves moving forward. Its divergent nature proposes itself as an open-ended text, which can be taken in its entirety, or in small parts.

The installation derives from a variety of students’ projects over the course of our MFA, including receipts, tools, exhibition ephemera, plinths, foam sheets, tape, and textiles. The objects document a plethora of projects by the different curators. They highlight the supporting materials, structures, and labour, which are often masked in the finished exhibition format

Participating Curators: Naz Balkaya, Sophie Bownes Lucy CowlingClaudia GangemiJohanna HardtAshley JankeJinho LimAlice OngaroAndrew Price, Sayori RaddaKatie SimpsonMarian StindtRiet TimmermanAdriana TrancaKatie Yook.

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